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TSD 服务的 REST API 可用于从 proficloud 获取 TSD 数据。


  • 一个用户帐户
  • 至少一台设备向时序数据发送数据(需要设备的UUID)
  • 您要读取的Metric的名称(提示:检查仪表板系统)
  • 您喜欢用来查询 REST-API 的任何工具或编程语言

要访问 API,必须通过 OAuth 进行身份验证。


响应会生成具有相应到期时间的访问令牌和刷新令牌。 访问令牌应该被重复使用,直到它过期,刷新令牌可用于获取新令牌,而无需再次提供用户名和密码。

TSD REST API 使用 JSON 有效负载,可以从任何能够使用 REST API 的编程语言或工具中使用。 本教程提供 Python 示例,当然也可以使用其他语言或工具。


#In this Python example we will use the requests library:
import requests
import json
url = ""
username = ""
password = "GoDigital2020!"
uuid = '355f6856-e9a4-469f-8f22-3f8b037d064a'
metrics = "auto~pressure,auto~temperature,auto~watt"


首先,我们需要以用户身份在 REST API 上进行身份验证。 访问令牌用于对每个 REST 调用的用户进行身份验证,刷新令牌可用于更新令牌而无需用户名和密码。

Initial token retrieval / username & password

Initially, tokens can be retrieved with the username and password:

header = {
    "Content-Type": "application/json"
data =  {
    "username": username,
    "password": password

#Send post request
token_response =, json=data, headers=header)
if token_response.ok:
    access_token = token_response.json().get("access_token")
    expires_in = token_response.json().get("expires_in")
    refresh_token = token_response.json().get("refresh_token")
    refresh_expires_in = token_response.json().get("refresh_expires_in")

print("Access token: ...{}...(length: {}, expires in {}s)".format(access_token[500:600], len(access_token), expires_in))
print("Refresh token: ...{}... (length: {}, expires in {}s, 0 means infinite)".format(refresh_token[500:600], len(refresh_token), refresh_expires_in))
Access token: ...MzQtODljYWYzMDE2MmZmIiwiYWNyIjoiMSIsImFsbG93ZWQtb3JpZ2lucyI6WyJodHRwczovL3Byb2ZpY2xvdWQuaW8iLCJodHRw...(length: 1726, expires in 86400s)
Refresh token: ...mF1dGhfdGltZSI6MCwic2Vzc2lvbl9zdGF0ZSI6IjJhMjFhZmRhLTRmMDUtNDA5Ny1hZTM0LTg5Y2FmMzAxNjJmZiIsInJlYWxtX... (length: 1079, expires in 0s, 0 means infinite)

Token renewal

The refresh token can be used to obtain new tokens, without the need for a username and password. In [3]:

header = {
    "Content-Type": "application/json"
data =  {
    "refresh_token": refresh_token

#Send post request
token_response =, json=data, headers=header)
if token_response.ok:
    access_token = token_response.json().get("access_token")
    expires_in = token_response.json().get("expires_in")
    refresh_token = token_response.json().get("refresh_token")
    refresh_expires_in = token_response.json().get("refresh_expires_in")

print("Access token: ...{}...(length: {}, expires in {}s)".format(access_token[500:600], len(access_token), expires_in))
print("Refresh token: ...{}... (length: {}, expires in {}s, 0 means infinite)".format(refresh_token[500:600], len(refresh_token), refresh_expires_in))
Access token: ...MzQtODljYWYzMDE2MmZmIiwiYWNyIjoiMSIsImFsbG93ZWQtb3JpZ2lucyI6WyJodHRwczovL3Byb2ZpY2xvdWQuaW8iLCJodHRw...(length: 1726, expires in 86400s)
Refresh token: ...mF1dGhfdGltZSI6MCwic2Vzc2lvbl9zdGF0ZSI6IjJhMjFhZmRhLTRmMDUtNDA5Ny1hZTM0LTg5Y2FmMzAxNjJmZiIsInJlYWxtX... (length: 1079, expires in 0s, 0 means infinite)

Querying data

There are three options when it comes to querying data from the TSD REST API:

  • Query last data points
  • Query historical raw data
  • Query historical data using database queries (advanced users)

Query last data points

The endpoint /epts/last returns the most recent time series data. (EPTS stands for “endpoint time-series”)

The base url is with the following possible parameters. The request method is “GET”.

Authentication happens via header “Authorization” with value “Bearer ACCESS_TOKEN“.


  • uuid: One or more UUIDs, comma separated without spaces
  • timeSeriesName: One or more metrics, comma separated without spaces

The response yields in status code 200 and contains a JSON object containing the time series. Possible errors are:

  • 401 – Unauthorized.
  • 500 – e.g. wrong input parameters, content-type, etc. Error message given in response body.

header = {
    "Content-Type": "application/json",
    "Authorization": "Bearer {}".format(access_token)

url = "{}&timeSeriesName={}".format(uuid, metrics)

result = requests.get(url, headers=header)
if result.ok:
    print(json.dumps(result.json(), indent=4))

    "355f6856-e9a4-469f-8f22-3f8b037d064a": {
        "auto~pressure": [
                "timestamp": "2020-07-21T11:43:05Z",
                "values": {
                    "value": 1000
        "auto~temperature": [
                "timestamp": "2020-07-21T11:43:05Z",
                "values": {
                    "value": 60
        "auto~watt": [
                "timestamp": "2020-07-21T11:43:05Z",
                "values": {
                    "value": 5000

Query historical raw data

The endpoint /epts/data returns a block time series data from the selected range. (EPTS stands for “endpoint time-series”)

The base url is with the following possible parameters. The request method is “GET”.

Authentication happens via header “Authorization” with value “Bearer ACCESS_TOKEN“.


  • uuid: One or more UUIDs, comma separated without spaces
  • timeSeriesName: One or more metrics, comma separated without spaces
  • fromDate: ISO-8601 encoded start time to retrieve data points from (example: 2017-04-20T00:00:00.000Z)
  • toDate: ISO-8601 encoded end time to retrieve data points to (example: 2017-04-20T00:00:00.000Z)

The response yields in status code 200 and contains a JSON object containing the time series. Possible errors are:

  • 401 – Unauthorized.
  • 500 – e.g. wrong input parameters, content-type, etc. Error message given in response body.

header = {
    "Content-Type": "application/json",
    "Authorization": "Bearer {}".format(access_token)
#Dates are ISO-8601!
fromDate = "2020-07-21T10:45:00.000Z"
toDate = "2020-07-21T10:45:05.000Z"
url = "{}&timeSeriesName={}&fromDate={}&toDate={}".format(uuid, metrics, fromDate, toDate)

result = requests.get(url, headers=header)
if result.ok:
    print(json.dumps(result.json(), indent=4))

        "355f6856-e9a4-469f-8f22-3f8b037d064a": {
            "auto~pressure": [
                    "timestamp": "2020-07-21T10:45:01Z",
                    "values": {
                        "value": 10
                    "timestamp": "2020-07-21T10:45:02Z",
                    "values": {
                        "value": 0
                    "timestamp": "2020-07-21T10:45:03Z",
                    "values": {
                        "value": 10
                    "timestamp": "2020-07-21T10:45:04Z",
                    "values": {
                        "value": 100
        "355f6856-e9a4-469f-8f22-3f8b037d064a": {
            "auto~temperature": [
                    "timestamp": "2020-07-21T10:45:01Z",
                    "values": {
                        "value": 50
                    "timestamp": "2020-07-21T10:45:02Z",
                    "values": {
                        "value": 35
                    "timestamp": "2020-07-21T10:45:03Z",
                    "values": {
                        "value": 45
                    "timestamp": "2020-07-21T10:45:04Z",
                    "values": {
                        "value": 55
        "355f6856-e9a4-469f-8f22-3f8b037d064a": {
            "auto~watt": [
                    "timestamp": "2020-07-21T10:45:01Z",
                    "values": {
                        "value": 800
                    "timestamp": "2020-07-21T10:45:02Z",
                    "values": {
                        "value": 300
                    "timestamp": "2020-07-21T10:45:03Z",
                    "values": {
                        "value": 800
                    "timestamp": "2020-07-21T10:45:04Z",
                    "values": {
                        "value": 1500

Query historical data using database queries (advanced users)

For advanced users, we also offer the ability to formulate custom queries to read data through the endpoint /query.

The base url is with the following possible parameters. The request method is “GET”.

Authentication happens via header “Authorization” with value “Bearer ACCESS_TOKEN“.


  • q: Query for reading tsd data InfluxDB-Style. An example is shown below, detailed information on the queries can be found here

The response yields in status code 200 and contains a JSON object containing the time series. Possible errors are:

  • 401 – Unauthorized.
  • 500 – e.g. wrong input parameters, content-type, etc. Error message given in response body.

query = "SELECT mean(\"value\") FROM \"auto~watt\" WHERE (\"uuid\" = '355f6856-e9a4-469f-8f22-3f8b037d064a') AND time >= now() - 30s GROUP BY time(10s) fill(none)"
header = {
    "Content-Type": "application/json",
    "Authorization": "Bearer {}".format(access_token)
url = "{}".format(query)

result = requests.get(url, headers=header)
if result.ok:
    print(json.dumps(result.json(), indent=4))
    "results": [
            "statement_id": 0,
            "series": [
                    "name": "auto~watt",
                    "columns": [
                    "values": [



在本节中,您将找到有关时间序列数据服务的 REST API 以及如何访问它的信息。



在本节中,您将找到关于时间序列数据服务及其REST API的信息。

